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One of our weekly homeschool activities is a trip to our local library. Our library hosts many fun and interesting reading related events.
There is something for every age, interest and reading ability. Some events are recurring and some are one of a kind. We’ve been to several events at our library, but the one we try to make it to every week is “Story Time.”
Story Time
Each week, Story Time has an overarching theme. All of the books and accompanying activities, songs and crafts have something to do with the theme.
The suggested age range for Story Time is 0-5, but my 6-year-old still loves it. She can not only enjoy the books, activities and crafts, but she enjoys setting a good example, helping younger children, and introducing herself to newcomers. She can be a great ambassador when she wants to be. She definitely doesn’t get that from me!
Library Computers
We try to get to the library at least 30 minutes before Story Time because my kids like to use some of the other available media. Their favorite thing to do is get on the library computers and play on the ABC Mouse website.
ABC Mouse is an interactive online curriculum. In order to use the curriculum you must pay for membership to the site. The library has its own membership so it is free for us to use on their computers!
Our Weekly Book Haul
After Story Time I let each of my kids choose a few books to take home. I direct them towards the section of the library that has books within their reading and comprehension levels. I ask them to choose at least 2 each, but they usually opt to choose more.
If I’m not mistaken, we can check out fifty books at a time with my library card so I’m not too worried about reaching the limit. We’ve never even gotten close to 50! We wouldn’t be able to keep up with them all.
Reading to learn
I’m always surprised by the variety and quality of my children’s picks. The books they choose offer us valuable opportunities to learn about things that otherwise may not come up in our everyday homeschool.
Sometimes my kids will be so interested in the subject of one of their books that we will do some research on the topic online, look for more books on the subject, and look to see if there are any documentaries we can watch to learn more. We have all learned some interesting things this way.
For the love of reading
I make it a goal to read a few of their library books to them most evenings. Some of them my 6-year-old can read to us. Some books get chosen and read again and again and again.
This is all part of the early reading process. I love to read. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of my mother reading to me and my sisters. The love of reading is a legacy I hope to leave for my children, too.